Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Coronavirus Forcing China to Cut Transportation

Due to the thousands of Coronavirus cases popping up in mainland China, some of the countries leaders have stoped the transportation to and from the country. The virus has slowly spread across the world, cases being seen as far as the United States, Australia, and France to name a few. As of January 28, 2020, 106 people have been killed by this virus. Transport to the city where the virus began, Wehan, have been completely cut and hospital in the area have been extremely overwhelmed. Considering the virus is beginning to escape China, countries that trade with China are beginning to temporarily cancel transportation of goods in order to protect themselves from the disease. According to Rebecca Ratcliffe, witter for The Guardian, "China has encouraged citizens to reconsider the timing of overseas flights, and introduced sweeping domestic travel restrictions in an attempt to stop the spread of the disease.". This shows the level of precaution the world is taking in order to minimizes the spread if this virus. 

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