Wednesday, January 22, 2020

China's Birthrates

China's low birthrates have been a hot topic discussion of recently. Their infamous one child policy has not only controlled its once overwhelming overpopulation issues, but in-fact have posed threats to the future success of the countries economy. The one child policy made it difficult for rural families to have more than one child without having to hide a child or come up with money to work around the system. Joshua Berlinger, writer for CNN, states " Chineses mothers gave birth to 14.65 million children last year, a birth rate of 10.48 babies per 1,000 people, according to figures from the National Bureau of statistics.".  The Chinese Communist party encourages families to produce more children but parents fear they are not financial competent enough to provide for a child considering China's low working class wages. Economically, China fears that its current low birthrates will not be enough to sustain the older retired population in the future. In order for the country to continue producing similar economic success, birthrates will need to double current numbers.


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